James Schutz
Jim is originally from Santa Fe, New Mexico, and aside from school, has lived in the Rocky Mountain region all his life. He has been in Colorado since 1990. Prior to a career in Real Estate, he worked for 20 years as a Research Engineer specializing in advanced materials. His degrees include a Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He has written over 20 technical articles, papers, and conference presentations, and was awarded a patent for a ceramic material which he developed. Jim is a Ski Instructor at Copper Mountain. His hobbies include skiing, homebrewing beer, and metalsmithing. He is also a licensed glider pilot, and certified scuba diver. Jim migrated to the Real Estate profession full time after having been very active in the business his whole life. He owns and manages a number of residential and commercial investment properties. He is committed to making your Real Estate Experience as pleasurable as possible, whether you are Buying, Selling, Leasing, or Investing.